Some recent pictures of my kiddos.
Kaylee just turned 6 months, and is 19lbs 8 oz (over 90th percentile) and 24 1/2" long (only 25th percentile - what a chunk!) She loves to squeal, aunt Tonsie calls her appropriately enough - Squealie.
Ty is 2 1/2 and keeping me on my toes -constantly. He definitely likes to do everything himself and thinks he's six too. He counted to ten today all the way through. He has liked 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 lately, but started at one today!
Kirby just turned six and is smart as a whip, not sure if I'm smart or quick enough to raise her!!! She is still in love with horses, and now Dillan Reed in her kindergarten class. Oh NO! not already. We went for a walk today and she found a "wishing dandelion" so she "I wish, I wish, I wish we lived in Texas so I could have a horse". Evidently you have to live in Texas to own horses! I told her I loved her and she told me "I know, I've heard that a million times!" Well at least she knows I do.
love those kids!
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