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This is mostly for my lack of memory. I have a tendency to forget everything.

Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Obsessive Compulsive or just a smidge anal?

To start, I am ALWAYS drowning in laundry. Every time I think I've got it under control it seems to explode again. All I seem to do is laundry. Smokes will ask "So, what did you do today?", well other than feeding and playing with the kids the other answer is laundry. The question I have is, "Can't you tell I've done anything?" I seem to be going all the time, but nothing gets accomplished.
We are trying to get the house put back together after the windows, and for his parents to come this weekend. So my wonderful husband helped me last night by folding the laundry. I am going to put it away and NOT re-fold anything! This is my goal for today. I'm not sure what it is but I always seem to refold everything to how I would do it. The towels don't need to be perfect, we go through them so fast they don't sit on the shelf very long. Plus it defeats his purpose by helping me. Maybe it's a control issue?


Blogger Valarie said...

completely normal. I've been known to reload the dishwasher as well.

6:19 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I know where you get it!!!!

6:42 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think it must be in the genes. I too refold EVERYTHING, dishtowels, washclothes, bathroom towels, jeans, etc if I am getting help. Nobody seems to do it the same way I do.....AND I also reload the dishwasher after Taylor has already loaded it. Isn't it supposed to be her "chore" so that I don't have to do them? It seems I end up doing them anyway. LOL I have even tried showing her how to load it....properly (my way) and it still doesn't seem to be the way I do it. The only time she actually doesn't have me reloading the dishwasher right behind her is when I am not home when she runs it (which is VERY rare, since she hardly ever runs the dishwasher).

6:53 PM  

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