Anything Interesting?

This is mostly for my lack of memory. I have a tendency to forget everything.

Thursday, June 22, 2006

D' ough

Today, I was in the "milk shed" and K came down to tell me that T was cutting something. I asked her to put the scissors away and she went up to do so. A minute later she came down with a package of rolled pie crust and said that "this is what T was cutting". I then asked her to put it in the fridge.

A few minutes later, both of my children came down the stairs, each of them eating their own roll of dough. Like a foot long corn dog. I told K that it is not healthy to eat that much raw dough and to put it away. Then she came downstairs crying to tell me that she was afraid, and didn't want to get a belly ache. Well, if you eat a whole raw pie crust... She did not, only a bite or two and then threw them away.


Blogger Valarie said...

Your kids are hilarious. Did you help them slice it and bake it with some cinnamon and sugar? mmmmm. I might have to make some pie when it cools down tonight.

11:10 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

those were my exact thoughts when I first read it, other than baking the pie. Also: cookie dough

7:40 PM  

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