Mr. Independence or Mr. Disappear?
On Sunday DH and K went for a bike ride. T really wanted to go, but I had him stay home with me and KL. T was outside driving the Barbie Jeep and I was making dinner. I ran downstairs to get the Ragu and noodles and came upstairs to look out back and not see or hear T. I ran out the front door and found him halfway down the neighbors sidewalk riding his bicycle with his helmet hanging on his arm and trusty Aggie following closely behind. Then I went into the motherly speech of how it's not safe, I was worried when I couldn't find him, etc... He gave me a hug on the leg and said "don't be scared mom, it's okay". (Note: this is not his first escape. I was running around the house trying to find him home a few weeks ago, and the neighbor from across the street was bringing him, and Aggie, saying they were in front of her house. DH and I have gone off in different directions around our block looking for him, only to find him in the van. We have also resorted to putting a padlock on the gate.)
That night while putting the kids to bed, DH and I were talking to them about the importance of staying in the yard and he said, " but T come back dad!" DH had to leave the room so he didn't openly laugh. It's nice to see the innocence, but scares me that he's so darn independent.
yikes! you have a pretty busy street for that. Just wait until he figures out how easy your fence is to climb.
Get used to it! I remember little girls , just, gone. I'm sure he knew where he was at, although I agree it is dangerous in this world today.
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