Anything Interesting?

This is mostly for my lack of memory. I have a tendency to forget everything.

Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Peeky, Peeky, Peeky

Saturday at the recital I took him to the bathroom, and he kept asking who the other little girl was. I did not know who she was, so he kept asking and trying to look at her. Then as I was drying my hands he came over whimpering and saying, "she hit me". Well, she was locked in her stall and he was peeking under the side. All I could say was, "Well stop peeking under the wall."

Evidently, being hit did not teach him a lesson. I was reminded of Saturday as T opened the curtain on an elderly lady in a local restroom today. He flipped open the curtain and asked "who's that", she responded, "It's a grandma in here"! I'm happy it was a "who" not a "what" type of question.

I really need to work on his curiosity.


Blogger Valarie said...

That's hilarious. What a kid! I can think it's funny until my own does something similar, right?

3:51 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am glad that is ONE of the things mine actually DIDN'T do, vs. all of the OTHER things he DID do!

But hey.....Ty must take after his Grandma. Peeky Peeky Peeky! LOL

9:16 AM  

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