No longer living in a Fishbowl

I know, it has been forever since I said I was going to make them. First, I had to get the fabric - on sale of course! (So... I had to wait for a sale) Then sewing, I am not skilled in this area by any means and this was a bit gutsy for me to try. I had them sewn but could not decide if I should make hem Roman shades or not. In the end I decided to use ties made out of the fabric, but I ran out. So, two curtains were installed and then I went on vacation. Yesterday I bought another yard of fabric - (full price AUGH!) but, I had to finish them, the other two panels were laying over the back of the couch waiting to be installed but needed the tie strap.
Not to be boastful or anything, but I'm pretty pleased with how they turned out. There are a few things that I might have done differently, but they work and look okay.
Next, the kitchen...
They look great. I'm impressed that you even attempted them. I so don't have the skills for that.
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