a few tidbits from KL
She was tagged by Howie (a little bit of interesting news - I inserted a link - this 4 on the nerd scale just bumped up to 10!)
3 things that scare me:
*strangers who get in my space
*K or T jumping at me from behind
*my mom helping me to roll over
3 people who make me laugh:
3 things I love:
*the sound of water filling the bathtub
*to see daddy come home
*my boyds bear-blankie
3 things I hate:
*getting my face washed after eating
*when daddy doesn't come pick me up right when he walks in the door
*rolling over
3 things I don't understand:
*why I can't move forward, only in backward circles
*why my brother and sister run around without me
*that walking thing
3 things on my floor: (living room)
*T's cars
*baby toys
*dad's work boots
3 things I'm doing right now:
*sleeping with my head in the corner of my bed
*sucking my thumb
*whilst holding aforementioned blankie
3 ways to describe my personality:
*I'm hilarious
3 things you should listen to:
*K singing her "western" songs
*me laughing at myself, remember, I'm the most hilarious 9 month old I know
*me talking in my sleep
3 things you should never listen to:
*mommy sing - only after you understand she can't
*T and K arguing
*K's high-pitched gna-gna-ing
3 things I want to do before I die (in other words, 3 things my mom wishes for me):
*be generous
*be a kind and loving mother
*be in a real crib in my own room
3 things I love to eat:
*num num = breast milk
*sweet potatoes
3 things I'd like to learn:
*to crawl
*to say daddy
3 "shows" I watch:
*mommy pumping
*mommy pumping
*mommy pumping :o) (get the picture, I feel it's all I do)
3 babies I tag:
*my mommy doesn't know any other bloggin' moms
She is hilarious. I think she gets it from her mom.
Loved it. Laughed until the tears came. She makes grandma laught too.
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