A story about a frog

My daughter has proclaimed, "I love frogs more than horses!" For many of you that may come as a shock. For others you may know she can be fickle about her favorite stuffed animal (flavor of the week) but does indeed love those horses. In Missouri, she found a teeny frog. (That is her holding "Katey") How she came across it I will never know, it was dusk and they [her first cousins once-removed (I learned how that works last week)] were playing near the trees at Aunt Elaine's. They had a lot of fun speculating about this from and the home it would have in Rapid City. Some really concerned that we were taking it with us. But alas, all this excitement came to a tragic end. K took her new friend out of the container and it fell through the cracks in the deck.
I guess I am not the best mother, I would not go under the deck to retrieve the frog. K was afraid of the spiders so in her distress wanted mommy to do it. I had to let her know I don't touch frog or spiders. ( I feel horrible admitting I wouldn't do this) She was so sad and she has great cousins. Hear is a few pictures of them searching for the frog.

In these pictures (sorry not really any faces) Sarah and Tyler H. and Morgan C. Sarah is in the yellow shirt and pink shorts, Tyler in the orange shirt and Morgan yellow shirt and white shorts. They never found the frog, It may have survived and skedaddled, or maybe so small it fell to its demise. (I'm glad they didn't find that!) It the last picture they claim to be looking at the frogs "tracks". They did have fun together. I will post more about the trip later.
poor Katey! I don't blame you for not going under there.
I can't belive you wouldn't rescue a little froggy!! lol
What is South Dakota like? I am from Ireland and I have always thought that the State sounds so poetic. Just the name itself!! To be honest I know nothing else about it.
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