My first few days of working from home...
Crazy, chaotic? The kids are doing very well. Not interrupting too badly and behaving for the most part. A few minutes to themselves upstairs and a bottle of baby powder proved to be a bit too much for the curious boy...

and yes, that is a Furby lying amongst the fluff.
KL is fully crawling which is making some things a bit more of a challenge. i can't just sit her down and know that she won't get into anything. She loves the cords and finds the teeniest items to pick up. How those chubby fingers pick up some of it???

Dad has been a Huge help getting us going and teaching us what we need to do. (And no, I'm not just saying that because he reads this :o) I would be so lost (even more than I feel) if he wasn't willing to sit in my laundry fllled basement teaching us the ins and outs of the business.
We are in it together!! I had some people ask me how long you two have been doing this, they said that you seemed to have it together, more so than dispatchers they talk to every day. KUDOS to you HILLSVIEW!!!
I'm glad you're getting going.
It could have been worse. He could have found a tube of lotion to squirt on top of it.
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