Okay, not totally robbed

I took a picture of her mouth full of baby teeth before the dentist. I was not sure what he would do today and I wanted to remember how cute and teeny her teeth were.

Also, I enhanced a picture of her "11th" tooth that I took before we left for the dentist. Can you see it? It is about double the size of her baby tooth. It is coming really fast. She got her teeth cleaned and the dentist told her to keep working it. The roots of the new tooth will push on the baby tooth and it should loosen up. He says it is not uncommon for this to happen, and the tooth will move into position when the baby tooth is gone.
With all the fingers in her mouth this afternoon it is Loose! She laughed with glee when I answered her "yes" after she asked me for the 10th time "is it really loose?" The other thing is that she has no space for the larger permanent tooth to fit in. He says orthodontia is likely in our future. He will do a full scan of her mouth when she's 7, 8 or 9 depending on how her jaw grows and expands.

yay(ish)! She was so concerned when we were there that she was never going to lose a tooth. At least it wasn't just yanked at the dentist. That tooth is big though. She's going to have problems if she gets more than two or three that size. :P
also, cute, cute T and KL. Howie has that same sideways look. They must be related.
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