Drama 101, Bedtime... Try outs at noon Today!
Act 1
Mommy: "Okay, time to brush teeth, get your rinse, give daddy and KL kisses, and go potty."
Kids: Reluctantly head to the bathroom, K brushes teeth and T brushes the mirror w/toothbrush and paste. Come out for their "drink" give kisses and hugs then K goes potty.
T: "I already did goed potty"
Mommy (can substitute daddy): "T, no you didn't, please go potty"
T: reluctantly goes potty.
Kids: Take a few minutes to gather all of your sleeping requirements (i.e. K - sift through toys in closet looking for a new bedtime friend; T - look for cars, tractors, etc. to sleep with) and then climb into bed.
Daddy: get the baby ready for a bath
Mommy: "Get into bed!"; then climb ladder and tuck in K and give kisses and head-hug. Then climb down and tuck T in and give a big hug and kiss. say "good night, I love you".
T: "I want to say prayer".
Mommy: "Okay, Dear Heavenly Father...continuing with prayer whilst K vocally inserts the things she wants me to add and T clasps his hands and climbs out of bed to lay by me kneeling...in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen."
Mommy: "T - You had your drink, gave kisses and went potty, if you come out I get your puppy."
T: "Okay mommy"
Mommy: Go sit in the recliner and finally read the newsaper.
Daddy: Giving baby KL a bath
T: wait 3 minutes and then come out, "I need to go pee".
Daddy: "Okay, (with lack of believability) but if you come out again I will paddle your bum".
T: "Okay, mommy don't take my puppy" (T, be so occupied with mommy going into the bedroom to get KL's pj's that you don't go pee).
Mommy: Tuck T back into bed. "If you come out I get your puppy"
Mommy: get baby KL ready for bed
Act 2
T: wait ten minutes and then come out "Mommy, paddle my bum so I can go potty".
Mommy: Try your best not to laugh and say "go pee and get to bed!"
T: go and sit, then say "I need you to tuck me it"
Mommy: tucks T in and takes puppy
T: whiny voice "Mommy, don't take puppy!"
Mommy: "I told you if you came out again I would take a puppy."
kisses, hugs, re-tuck into blankets
Act 3
Mommy: go sit and read paper; Daddy watching news
T: Come out carrying another puppy, drop in the kitchen and say "here, I need to go potty"
Daddy: "Get into bed"
Daddy to Mommy: "What was that?"
Mommy: "The Sacrifice"
Drop curtain
I'm giggling. a lot.
at least you know your lines.
I too am giggling.
I'm plain laughing outloud and tears are streaming.
Love, MOM
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