Anything Interesting?

This is mostly for my lack of memory. I have a tendency to forget everything.

Thursday, September 14, 2006

A week of Firsts

KL climbed up the stairs. Then made it halfway up before mommy or daddy noticed. We are in trouble now.

K's first "melt down". I'm guessing, tired from this whole school thing.
K's first school lunch, supposed to be mac and cheese and chicken nuggets, turned out to be hamburger, with corn and apple slices. She only ate a few slices of apple because she now refuses to eat corn that is not on the cob and does not like hamburgers. I think this had a very integral role in the melt down.

K's first chiropractic adjustment. She is continuing to have problems from her fall off the freezer. (I can't remember if I've posted this, but she was dancing on the chest freezer in the garage to her favorite song and fell off, hitting her head on the concrete.) Doc Bill said her C1 was definitely out and she needs to come back Monday. I had to literally pick her up and force her to lay on the table, but she was much happier when she got to pick a prize from the "prize room". He also said her lymph nodes were swollen. When I asked if this was a result of the fall, he said she probably had multiple things going on. So does this mean I need to take her to our family doc???

T, T, T what do I say about this escape artist. Going and visiting with the neighbor, going out front and rummaging through Kimber's car for gum. Trying to pee standing up - mostly outside. And telling me "I do'd this and peed all over."


Anonymous Anonymous said...

They are all good kids & you will make it. They are funny to be around, always a joy.

2:50 PM  
Blogger Valarie said...

ouch! that fall sounds pretty nasty. I'm laughing at Ty. What does that mean for my future?

12:59 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ha ha. Ty makes me laugh. Poor Kirby. I hope her neck gets feeling better soon.

4:19 PM  

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