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This is mostly for my lack of memory. I have a tendency to forget everything.

Saturday, September 16, 2006

A Cautionary Tale

Oh so bright, oh so insane, where was my brain. I guess I didn't think about how this might feel. Until she really started to yell.

Okay, Last night I had the thought that I should help K's neck and those muscles to loosen up and put a GOOD helping of Ben Gay on her neck and shoulders. (More than I normally would have used, but a bunch came out and I couldn't get it back in the tube.) Who knew that it doesn't feel good when you're six? She started crying, "It burns, owwww, it burns". (Maybe it was because we told her it would feel warm. I really think it was a true reaction though. Pretty hard to fake that.) Lots of tears later, her neck IS feeling better this morning, still pretty stiff, but she has more movement.

So, to all you out there whose kids fall off freezers and hit their heads, don't use Ben Gay - get Sportscreme or something that doesn't burn :o). I would stay away from Icy Hot too, just to be safe.


Blogger Valarie said...

lol, good to know.

1:00 PM  

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