Ramblings of a Random Nature
I have been lurking at a lot of other blogs lately. Not accomplishing anything on my own as you may have noticed. I've thought about commenting on a few, but you see, I don't want them to come over and see my lackluster, poor writing and story telling skills. I also have not posted in (to quote my little sis) "11, eleven, e-lev-en" days. Though my eleven does not have as much personal angst, but have been there. ("It's okay dear, everyone has at least one big jump", says nurse to me during my monthly check-up while preg with baby KL, "But this is my third big jump!") .
How come everytime I come to actually post something, everything that I was going to say escapes me? I remember everything after I shut down the computer and go up to bed, the thoughts start flowing. And now, here I sit again and can't remember squat.
There are two 1st grade classes at our school, both at max capacity of 25 students each. In this school district, they have open enrollment, which if done properly, I think can be a good idea. A month ago, she told me the other class had 26 students for a day and the teacher(Ms. O) said, no, "Too many, too crazy, can't do it". So a student was to be "bumped" out to accomodate the new child who moved into the actual school boundaries. It just so happens around the same time, a friends child in that class was moved up to second grade, (she does seem very smart and was reading before kindergarten). I can't help but think maybe they moved her up so the other child did not get bumped. Said friend told me the teacher came to her and said "This is what we need to do"...
Another friend called last night to tell me she spoke with K's teacher Ms. H (her twins are in the same overfilled class). There is another new student in the boundaries. In the other class there is only one left that has transfered in and K's class has 3 or 4. The mother of the child in Ms. O's class says she only rents and if needs to, she will move this weekend into the school boundaries so her child does not get bumped. So this leaves one of the children in K's class. Of these children, one has a brother in third grade and the other has hearing issues, (our school has special things, classes, integration, etc. so she may be spared for this?) The other frustrating thing is, there is a school not more than a mile from us that has two first grades also and they only have 19 and 20 students. I think with this open enrollment, they should have a percentage that if the class is say 94% full, they will not allow transfers. It totally disrupts the child being bumped and if their boundary school is full, then do they bump another child to accomodate for the new one???
Sometimes I think maybe a private school, but around here, the only real option is parochial. I do not feel I am structured or consistent enough for home schooling. Options!!?!?!?
Anywho, back to the topic... My neighbor who is building a house in another schools boundary, (the house will be done in approx 4 weeks) was trying to get her daughter enrolled to start the year in the new school. The school was full and would not allow her to be an indistrict transfer because they have a "first come-first served basis". So when their house is done, E will transfer to her "boundary school" and the "first served" will be bumped in the middle of the scool year. How much sense does that make?
I can't help but feel that K's learning may be a bit impaired because of the class size. Ms. H is mainly just herding children here or there. I really think a percentage full has got to be the best approach? Any ideas?
I have been looking and dreaming of different houses. I have found a beautiful place but its about $100,000 over our budget (okay 50,000 if I'm really good with budget) But still, yeah right, without selling my soul to the devil. It has four acres and three car garage, great setting. A huge plus - a new school district. Awesome elementary school, but not so in love with the junior and high school (stricly based on the people whose children have attended). but as DH says, it all depends on your friends and the crowds you associated with. The high schools here are MUCH bigger and those negative things are wverywhere. Augh! There are cheaper houses in that area but not so big yard, setting, etc.
I could possibly afford that house in a year if I quit blogging, stopped driving looking a houses I cannot afford (for the record, I did have the work phone forwarded) and started putting some more effort into work not just waiting for them to come to me...just saying
Okay, I'm sure I have forgotten some points I wanted to add, but I need to get ready so I can take three kids by myself to the Dr. for so they can get their flu booster. Yay for me.
I don't know what to tell you about schools. I guess I've lived in Utah too long and didn't think 25 was that big of a class size. And you don't need a huge yard to take care of, just a neighbor with a huge yard and kids the same age.
Valarie - it will have to be a new neighborhood. Average age here is 61.1579 - and that's being generous.
Get to work!!! Just kidding.
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