Anything Interesting?

This is mostly for my lack of memory. I have a tendency to forget everything.

Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Awww, I Love You Too, sweetheart.

Mr. T has been coming in our bed in the wee hours of the night. He is usually pretty good about staying in his bed, but this week has not been a good one.

It shouldn't be a big deal because our bed is king size and there should be lots of room for a three year old, right? Ha! You'd think so, but no. He needs to either be right in my back or sleeping horizontally between dream guy and I.

He also tends to wake up before the rest of us. Which is NO fun if you've not slept well (with a kid in your back). So being the grouchy morning person I am, I was not too willing to wake up early on a Sunday morning. He kept fidgeting, squirming and scratching at his excema.

I was trying hard to get him to go back to sleep. Holding his hand (to keep from scratching), putting my arms around him, etc. Then I hear this sweet little whisper "I love you". Just as I was ready to tell him that I loved him too, I looked over to see him take his animals "Puppy" and "Baboo" and kiss. THEY were the object of the affection.

I was totally bummed and awake. Might as well get up and finish my RS lesson.


Blogger Valarie said...

oooh, I would have told him to take his threesome elsewhere.

4:35 PM  

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