Anything Interesting?

This is mostly for my lack of memory. I have a tendency to forget everything.

Tuesday, January 30, 2007

the bloodsucking, money hungry...

Thursday, Hubby had an appointment with the Dermatologist, Dr. S. (He has not been too happy since I made his original appointment a year or so ago.) Every time he goes they cut something from here or there, freeze the top of his ears - to help renew the skin from all the sun damage*, or nip a mole or two off of his upper and/or lower back.

Thursday was no exception. There has been a mole-ish thing on his upper cheek. I have noticed, it has been growing. I was a little curious why she did not remove it at his last appointment, but as a loving wife I cannot say "why didn't you have her cut off that unsightly...", I'm not that rude. I guess mom's not either, when I mentioned they cut the thing off his face "Yeah I've noticed it too..."

He came home with a band-aid over what was once a "lovely beauty-mark", one over what they "punched" off his leg and another "punch hole" on his back (which was one of the mole-ish reasons I scheduled his original appointment). All the while grumbling about how they are just "bloodsucking, money hungry..." Hence the title of this post. He also can't work-out until the stitches are removed so he doesn't pull anything, etc. (Which adds to the grumbling.)

I just asked if he would rather wear a band-aid for a week or die an untimely, painfull death?

How's that for support and love? Purely selfish on my part, I can't stand the thought of our kids growing up without their daddy. He is such a good daddy! Or the thought me growing old without him just makes me cry. I have completely lucked out in the spouse department. Some of the stories my friends tell me about their spouses or significant others and fathers to their children - sheesh. I am SO completely lucky.

So he called me this morning with the pathology results from his back and face - they don't have the one on his leg back yet "maybe it got lost in the mail?", he says. Could you imagine running across a mole floating in fluid - yuck. Anyway, the back was fine but the one on his face was "basal-something, and Dr. W's nurse is going to call and set up an appointment to remove more", as he recounted non-chalantly. Me on the other end, trying not to flip my lid saying - "BASAL CELL CARCINOMA is CANCER!" Dr. W was my dermatologist for a few years, then about two years ago (before Hubby started going in) he changed to only performing dermotology-related surgeries.

So, now he goes March 1st at noon for more to be removed. At this point, I am grateful for those "bloodsucking, money hungry...". And am grateful I am a nagging wife who makes him do the things that he would rather not do. I am also praying that everything was caught in time This road to be traveled is much smaller and less of a big deal than what my imagination has been leading me down. I should also add, that I don't know the actual diagnosis, just the "basal-something" from hubby.

This is just what my family needs right now, more "good" news. (I hope you get the HUGE amount of sarcasm in that statement.)

*For those who may not know Hubby has spent his ENTIRE life outdoors. Working, playing, sitting, etc. He would probably go off the deep-end if he had to sit at a desk all day. Even on days off, if he happens to just be sitting, he'll continually be commenting about how he should go out and do "something". He also just likes to say things repeatedly like "I should go out an do something" and ask the same question over and over in a slightly different way because he knows it aggravates me. :>)

Monday, January 29, 2007

Has it really been 3 weeks???

Nothing deep - just trying to get back into the groove.

Conversations with a three year old.

Just now, Mr. T. was kind of digging into his behind through his jeans.

Me: "Do you need wiped or washed?"
T: "No, just trying to get the noisy things out."
Me: (stifling laughter)"You have noisy things on your bum?
T: "Yeah, there's Monsters in there."

**edited to add another converstation(before I forget)

lunch today:

T: "I'm going to grow into a balloon and fly up way in the sky"
Me: "Why don't you become a pilot and fly airplanes in the sky, or an astronaut and fly into space?"
T: "I would be to sca.a.a.a.a.a.a.ary."

Sunday, January 07, 2007

Hanging with the Family

We have been with a LOT of family the weeks over Christmas and New Years. Here are the blogger limit of five pictures a post and will add more, like Colorado and Dad's - fun, fun, fun (for those of you who come for pictures anyway)!

Tedi & Grandma

Tedi, K, T & KL all on Grandma's lap in the glider

A couple of wrestling pictures - Tedi, T & K

Well, Tedi - you should have know this one was coming. Chances are it was already cleaned out since that is the "resting spot" for his finger anyway.


So, on Friday I picked K up from school. On the way home (that short two blocks), I asked her if she stayed on the green, and she said yes. Two days in a row she was in the yellow for disrupting class. She then told me that she did something today, and when I asked what it was she told me she wrote me a note so I would have to wait and read it.

Decoding the letter...

Dear Mom:

I kissed Daylon today and I got in trouble. It was a bad choice. I talked to the principal. I won't do it again.

Love Kirby
To: Mom


I talked with her a bit and she here are a few things she said

"it wasn't like I kissed him on the lips or anything, I kissed him on the leg (while pointing to her HIP of all places) and on the arm."

"Ellie does it" (We are not talking about Ellie here)

"the principal told me when I have a boyfriend and I'm eighteen I can kiss him."

The playground used to have a wooden play house that a friend told me that last year first graders were hiding and kissing in it. (It was torn down last year most likely because ot was old and rickety but the kissing probably didn't help save it.) I'm sure my thoughts and words were probably similar to this. "Tsk Tsk, where are those kids learning this behavior. What are parents teaching their kids these days." All the while holding my nose up thinking My daughter would never do anything like this...

Then the real kicker, they weren't hiding anywhere on the playground. They were in class on the carpet during story time or something similar.

While I was reading the note, Kimber happened to be downstairs and read it with raised eyebrows. She then proceded to go up and tell grandma and great-grandma. They got a great laugh out of this, especially when I told them where she kissed ON him.

A bit later, I called daddy to give him a heads up. He kind of chuckled and said "It's probably just innocent". When he got home from work, he said "I know mom already talked to you so I won't say a lot, but we don't kiss boys."

She did say she was embarrassed and so was Daylon (sometime around the Halloween party she had admitted to me that she loves him). I hope that it was embarrassing enough to not do it anymore.

When she showed me where she kissed him, all I could think of was "What are people (ie Ms H, Ms M the principal, etc.) going to think of me?" (Because I'm insecure like that, and I thought that of the parents of the 1st graders last year.) I am praying this was just an innocent, isolated incident. We don't need to be worrying about such stuff yet. She's only 6!

What to do......

Wednesday, January 03, 2007

Oh, they start early

Yesterday was the first day back to school after Christmas Break. If you read this, you know how wonderful a vacation it was!

K started off by telling me how not happy she was about having to go to school. Then she was eating her breakfast at the table and while rubbing her belly said, "Mommy, my tummy doesn't feel well".

So, me being the overly sensitive, caring mother that I am, said "It's probably because you are hungry and need to finish your breakfast."

She then procedes to rub all over her arms and torso, "Mommy, I feel itchy all over."

Mind you, this is that overly sensitive mother that I am speaking, "Nice try K, You are going to school."

She then sits and finishes her breakfast, brush teeth and hair and we head off to school without incident.

Monday, January 01, 2007

Happy New Year!

According to the TV it is now officially 2007. This last day of 2006 was filled with church, giving a talk no less, crabby kids (mostly KL), a head-ache, oh yeah a nap!

We were invited to a friends party that included kids but did not start until 9pm. KL was in bed before then and the other two were not too long after. I'm kind of bummed we didn't go, but I'm not sure how fun it would have been with a baby who would not let you put her down or get two steps from her. She's not been eating much and is still having issues with her bowels (it started last week when she was thowing up, constantly blowing out her diapers, messing her clothes, etc.).

I'm going to bed.