Anything Interesting?

This is mostly for my lack of memory. I have a tendency to forget everything.

Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Stand and What???

The kids and I went to lunch with Kimber and Reba at Taco Bell today. Of course, my children need to pee at every restroom and place we go, I hope they soon learn most are disgusting. I took T and the lid was a wee (he he) bit dirty and there were no paper covers/protectors. So I thought I would have T stand there, him being a boy and all, no touching the lid necessary. Well no go, not sure it the concept was too foreign or what. The next stall opened up and he assumed the position most familiar to him. Oh what fun...

Going to on our trip to Iowa and Missouri tomorrow, hope to post about the FUN we had.

Monday, June 26, 2006

Nakie in 0.2

I have ruined a few washer mechanisms by washing my rugs in them, this in turn has changed my way of cleaning the rugs. I now hang them over the fence and spray them down with the hose. It's not the best way, it's wet of course, and it leaves a puddle and they take forever to dry. It does save me from having to pay to have my washer repaired.

I finished spraying down the rug yesterday and came in the house leaving T and Emerson (the neighbor girl) outside playing. Within seconds, Emmy came in after me to tell me that T took his clothes off. I went outside to get him - stark naked- and he was telling me he was going to play in the *"pool". Should I worry that he cares not who sees him or his peanut? Poor Emmy!

*definition of pool - the puddle from the rug cleaning

Thursday, June 22, 2006

D' ough

Today, I was in the "milk shed" and K came down to tell me that T was cutting something. I asked her to put the scissors away and she went up to do so. A minute later she came down with a package of rolled pie crust and said that "this is what T was cutting". I then asked her to put it in the fridge.

A few minutes later, both of my children came down the stairs, each of them eating their own roll of dough. Like a foot long corn dog. I told K that it is not healthy to eat that much raw dough and to put it away. Then she came downstairs crying to tell me that she was afraid, and didn't want to get a belly ache. Well, if you eat a whole raw pie crust... She did not, only a bite or two and then threw them away.

Tuesday, June 20, 2006

The Blog of Many Pictures

On Saturday, we went four-wheeling. It was a ton of fun. (Personally, I think we had as much fun as the kids!) We took the Barbie Jeep for T, K and W to drive around the trucks and trailer. T went straight for the hill climb immediately after DH took the Jeep out of the truck. Then continued to go off-roading (the jeep has hard plastic tires, and kept getting stuck in the tall grass or rough terrain). T would get stuck, then just sit and wait for someone to come get him out.

We all got pretty muddy (as usual) and had a great time going faster and jumping more than we should.

There was one accident - Dad rolled his. Thankfully Jeanie had gotten off previously and dad is still able to move fast. Though he was roughed up a bit

The Big Conundrum

I originally started this blog so I could keep a journal of things and to update family on our boring lives. I find myself thinking of the many things to blog. Then, when I actually have a spare minute, I sit here and either can't remember what I wanted to blog about or I think of the things I should be doing instead (that damn laundry!)

I hope to blog more regularly, but can't promise it will be of any substance! I just have to remind my self this IS a good thing for me and my lack of any type of memory, and for our family that doesn't get to see us very often. The laundry will always be there.

Sunday, June 18, 2006

Early Lessons

K and I were getting ready to go for our walk the other day, when she asked if we could jog. That would be a great idea, if only my chest was about 5 cup sizes smaller! How do you appropriately explain to your six year old about such matters? Hopefully she is not nick-named "Perky" or "Jugs" by stupid boys like her mother was (preferably this gene was not passed to her).

Sunday, June 11, 2006

My Sweet BOY

I was trying to find my keys to go to church yesterday, and just grabbed DH's. I then found them hanging out of the ignition of the van. When I showed DH he said, "so that's what he was doing in the van." (Thankfully DH was able to straighten without breaking or damaging the door controls on the key.)

I wonder if he was trying to escape again? He has quite a fixation with playing in the van and I try to keep it locked, but I don't always remember. Obviously, I need to make a better effort. LOL

You can't help but love him inspite of his boyish ways. This is a picture of my latest "Bursday presnt" (anything T gives you is a present). Not sure if his sister has noticed what he did to her Lip Smackers. Hopefully she won't.

Saturday, June 10, 2006

Nope, Not Collagen

These are some pictures of K after drinking a Gatorade and then sucking the bottle to stick it to her face. She came upstairs to show me her funny face. I was stunned, to say the least. Her lip was so swollen and purple - broken blood vessels and Gatorade. Then it started to hurt. Regardless to say, after several ice packs, everything is back to normal with just a few traces of purple.

I would say the best lessons are learned the hard way. (Who else has done this? Val, I don't recall the swelling though, only the purple. Maybe that's because yours wasn't so centralized? Who knows.)

ps Val - You can also see KL sitting in the background

Friday, June 09, 2006

My Sevens

I was tagged by Valarie - I'm pretty slow at this but here it is.

7 Things I want to do before I die:
A pull/chin-up
See my grandchildren (tormenting their parents - as they are doing to me :P)
Go to Australia with my husband
Get control of my clutter
Have a real kitchen
git sum skoolin ;P- some sort of degree, not just hard knox
teach my children how important family is

7 Things I cannot do:
A pull/chin up
Keep my laundry pile down
touch raw meat
speak a foreign language
program a computer
water ski
lately - complete a project

7 Things that attracted me to my spouse
watching him play around with softball team members' kids
his amazing blue eyes
cute little butt - even in coveralls!
his wittiness - he is hilarious
ability to do almost anything
work ethic
he is laid back, takes things in stride

7 Things I say often
Is that a good choice?
holy cannoli
if you need to go potty, just go
no _________, you need to eat breakfast first
thank you for asking so nicely, but we don't have any______
juice or milk?

7 books I love
What Color is Your Underwear?
Sheep in a Jeep
All of the "How do Dinosaurs say Goodnight, Clean their room, etc."
Not the Hippopotamus
Harry Potter - All that I've read so far
Can you tell I don't get much of a chance to read novels?

7 Movies I could watch over and over
Nanny McPhee (Just seen tonight - love'd it)
Shrek (listening while driving you catch a lot more of the humor)
Peter Pan - Kirby's description - "the one with that shows his boob and belly button" (not the animated one)
can't think of any more, just not My Little Pony's or Barbie Movies - Augh!

people I'd like to hear Sevens from
anyone who reads this

Tuesday, June 06, 2006

We are approaching the Trying Threes

T got into my make-up again. (Should I worry ? :P) Covering himself, the Barbie Corvette, his "older" sister, the couch and his rocking dog. In the midst of his time-out, he kept crying "T wants Kimber, T wants Kimber" So I told him, Kimber is not coming to save you. That was not a good choice and you need to sit. Then he said "Kimber come save me." It's hard not to laugh at that.

Within 20 minutes he was outside dumping big blobs of baby lotion all over - the wagon, both of K's bikes, T's bike, the Barbie Jeep, his Wiggles car, the patio, and the dog. (Maybe we have too much stuff) K let him know that Kimber is not coming over to save you. I guess that doesn't make me sound great, but he has to have time-out regardless of whether Kimber comes over or not. Maybe that just tells me she is his comfort, like Baboo!

Mr. Independence or Mr. Disappear?

On Sunday DH and K went for a bike ride. T really wanted to go, but I had him stay home with me and KL. T was outside driving the Barbie Jeep and I was making dinner. I ran downstairs to get the Ragu and noodles and came upstairs to look out back and not see or hear T. I ran out the front door and found him halfway down the neighbors sidewalk riding his bicycle with his helmet hanging on his arm and trusty Aggie following closely behind. Then I went into the motherly speech of how it's not safe, I was worried when I couldn't find him, etc... He gave me a hug on the leg and said "don't be scared mom, it's okay". (Note: this is not his first escape. I was running around the house trying to find him home a few weeks ago, and the neighbor from across the street was bringing him, and Aggie, saying they were in front of her house. DH and I have gone off in different directions around our block looking for him, only to find him in the van. We have also resorted to putting a padlock on the gate.)

That night while putting the kids to bed, DH and I were talking to them about the importance of staying in the yard and he said, " but T come back dad!" DH had to leave the room so he didn't openly laugh. It's nice to see the innocence, but scares me that he's so darn independent.

Friday, June 02, 2006

Note to Self

When you are feeding a child some runny oatmeal, keep the bowl away from ALL moving objects. Her happy arms and legs will almost assuredly be frantically moving about and the bowl is bound to get flipped over.

Not just once, twice - immediately after I cleaned up the first flip. Grandma only witnessed the first mess. Boy will she think I'm ditzy - too late for that! Good thing her carpet is the color of oatmeal. Sorry Grandma, I did clean up after the second time too!