Anything Interesting?

This is mostly for my lack of memory. I have a tendency to forget everything.

Wednesday, December 27, 2006

Pandemonium, Presents & Puke

Go to the bathroom now, this is a looooong post. I started writing it late Wednesday, and it is now 8 on Sunday.

We are back from our trip to Colorado for Christmas! We left early in the morning Friday. We had a lot of fun spending time with grandma and papa, cousins, uncles and aunts. They had a ton (well, not a ton but 25 inches) of snow, and the kids had a bunch of fun sledding. There was so much going on, I think I'll just go chronologically so I (hopefully) don't miss anything.

Friday, the traveling went surprisingly well. The kids usually seem to travel well and the roads were pretty clear for the most part. We made good time and arrived about two. The rest of the afternoon/evening was just sitting around visiting and dealing with over-tired kids.

Saturday was filled with a small amount of shopping trying to find a few last minute items, and the stockings - which I forgot to bring! How can Santa fill them with all that stuff? Thanks to T@rget for their cheapo $.99 ones. The stores were amazingly crowded and bare, thanks to the two feet of snow to stop shipments out of Denver and hold all of those last minute shoppers hostage in their homes. The parking lots were even worse, with half of the spots covered with mounds of snow. In spite of all this, we got all that we needed (and more). I also FORGOT to bring my make-up (How did THAT happen?).

We also bought a toboggan at the sportsmans store, it turned out to be well worth the money and the effort in trying to find one. T@rget was out of snow pants, boots and snow toys. (You'd think that snow caught people off-guard). We made it back to grandma's house (one-lane, snow filled road and all) and suited up the kids for fun. Bring on the sleds! There was even laughing when they wrecked, aside from T saying "I didn't want to do that". Turns out, K likes it but is a screamer! Even grandma went down with the kids.

Wake-up! Wake-up! I'm still telling our story here. Later, we were bathing the kids, getting them ready for bed. I had just gotten KL out and turned to wash up K. All of a sudden T (who is standing near the back of the tub) starts throwing up! K starts freaking out as it continues to mix with the tub water. I tell her, "just stand on the side of the tub". She continues to freak as he throws up a bit more, so I got her a towel so she could wait in the bathroom while I cleaned up T and the tub. I highly recommend the tub for throw up when someone doesn't make it to the toilet and/or you have a three year old who is still a bit unsure of what is happening to his body. He continued throwing up for awhile, and he got to the toilet every time (other than in the night when he launched on the sleeping bag).

Sunday, Sunday. Christmas Eve, filled with more sledding and fun, crab legs for dinner (ham for the kids and those who don't like), Yummy snacks, family and birthday cake for Brandi. They open their gifts on Christmas Eve and then Santa comes in the morning.

In total, there were 17 people on Christmas Eve opening presents (at once) in the Living Room. I'm not sure who got what from whom, so thank you all for everything.

Monday, Merry Christmas, Santa came. The kids didn't wake up real early they came out and just stood back by the couch. No running to their loot, no look mom! Santa came. T finally walked over to his stuff and just looked and shook like he had Parkinson's. Finally K said (as she bopped her head) "I have to wake up my brain." She gradually made her way to her stuff, commenting on how Santa must not have brought her the guitar she asked for (Santa was sneaky and wrapped the "big" presents this year, just in case they happened to see anything on our travels), and how she threw up last night. What??? Really?? Then breakfast and cranky KL to nap - 3 hours, she has never slept that long. When she woke up, we put her in the high chair for a snack and she really wouldn't eat and continued to be cranky. DH got her our to wash her up and she launched all over him and the kitchen floor. She launched all over grandma a bit later. Meanwhile... K is napping, which she NEVER, is repeat NEVER does. Later, Tonya and I are watching some sappy Christmas movie the H@llmark CHannel and I just don't feel right. Guess what! yay for me, I have it too. Whilst I'm running into the bathroom, K yells, "Grandma, mommy made it to the bathroom in time!" Then T comes in and says "Yuck! why's it red?" (Holiday oreos if you must know.) I couldn't even keep down water, but that was better that dry heaves. Lovely aye? I even slept on the couch for easier access to my porcelain friend.

Tuesday brought on more sickness, DH, Uncle Tim, Grandma, Cousin David and Baby J. I couldn't sit on the couch without falling asleep, and still had chills all day. I was glad we weren't coming home until Wednesday.

I didn't go see anyone, or go do anywhere I wanted to go. Hopefully next time we will all feel better and we will get to visit other places than the bathroom at grandma's and papa's.

Since we've been back, we have passed our germs on to mom, Tedi, Laren, Devon and Grandma. Laren and Tedi got to spend an extra day because of it. I bet they are GLAD we came back. I called dad to check to see if they've been sick, so far no, thankfully.

Friday, December 22, 2006

My Baby has a Shiner

This is what her eye looked like yesterday after T hit her with a truck. It was an accident and not intentional. BUT - He was doing what we have asked him not to do. (He makes his trucks "fly", mid-air, or up and down, they fly on top of things, into things, all over.) I have said "trucks don't fly" a thousand times or more. He was in our bedroom "flying" his semi-truck and KL came up behind him at just the right time. She instantly started crying, then T started. He knew he was in trouble. I could tell he felt bad. For his "flying" he lost his truck. This totally set him off, screaming, crying and yelling. I was trying to console KL and each seemed to be trying to out-cry the other. Kimber was over and tried to help T understand why he lost his truck. Needless to say, it took awhile to reach a tolerable decibel level.

This is what her eye looks like today. The swelling has gone down a bit, but more dark under her eye.

I'm amazed that KL is the first with a black eye. There have plenty of time that I thought "that's gonna show", but never a mark.

I have a feeling that KL's going to have a lot of firsts, not the good kind either.

Thursday, December 21, 2006

I'm NOT ready!!!!!!!!!!!!!

We are to leave for Colorado in the morning and I still have so much to do.

1. K's school Christmas Party -

a. I'm in charge of prepping a craft for 51 (both 1st grades) students.

b. Purchasing the Raspberry Sherbet for this YUMMY punch (party is at 1:30 and it's 9:13)

c. find string for jngle bell game

d. prep treat bags for 51 kids

2. Work - end of year, so much to get ready for

a. How to pay ourselves

b. organizing expenses

c. 1099's

d. Kim's being pampered for Christmas today, so I'm solo (not that we've been busy, load wise)

3. Packing for trip

a. Wrap presents

(1) Pick up remaining presents from Kimber and Mom's homes

b. Finish laundry

c. Find suitcases

d. Find snow gear - CO got 25 inches!!!!

4. Christmas Cards

a. letter printed

b. fold

c. lick

d. stick stamps

e. labels printed, stick

f. mail

So, on top of this, I still need to take care of my personal hygiene, feed kids breakfast and lunch, and finish the cards for K's teachers (Ms. H and Spanish teacher Senora R) all before 1:15. (I'm sure there's more but with this mind it will come eventually)

ps - This was typed in the appropriate outline format, but somehow it won't publish that way.
I had better stop posting this long overdue post and start finishing my procrastinated projects - nothing like the rush of working on overload!

Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Awww, I Love You Too, sweetheart.

Mr. T has been coming in our bed in the wee hours of the night. He is usually pretty good about staying in his bed, but this week has not been a good one.

It shouldn't be a big deal because our bed is king size and there should be lots of room for a three year old, right? Ha! You'd think so, but no. He needs to either be right in my back or sleeping horizontally between dream guy and I.

He also tends to wake up before the rest of us. Which is NO fun if you've not slept well (with a kid in your back). So being the grouchy morning person I am, I was not too willing to wake up early on a Sunday morning. He kept fidgeting, squirming and scratching at his excema.

I was trying hard to get him to go back to sleep. Holding his hand (to keep from scratching), putting my arms around him, etc. Then I hear this sweet little whisper "I love you". Just as I was ready to tell him that I loved him too, I looked over to see him take his animals "Puppy" and "Baboo" and kiss. THEY were the object of the affection.

I was totally bummed and awake. Might as well get up and finish my RS lesson.

Monday, December 11, 2006

Not-guilty until proven otherwise...

T, hmm what do I say? He was coloring with marker ON his truck. The marker, of course was not waterproof, but not a Sharpie, so it didn't dry. (See exhibit A)

I was upstairs making dinner and he was downstairs with K, who was doing her own "projacts". When he came up, I noticed he was all pink. I started investigating and quickly found the source. Unlike the day I thought he was in the Jello (but after more digging and no jello pouch around) I found the ripped KoolAid pouch. This would explain the cherry scent and the stained red fingers (I bet THAT was yummy).

More evidence: There were two(2) hand prints and because blogger seems to limit you to five(5) pictures, I have chosen to only submit 1 to evidence.

Final evidence:

Defendant knew the evidence was damning and just before the verdict came, plea-bargained for a lesser sentence. No markers until he's 10!

BTW - those Magic Erasers really are Magic!

For Eckles

Sunday, December 10, 2006

It's about D@%& Time!

Was what I was going to say when I posted pictures of KL's 1st Birthday (Oct 28th!)

But, thanks to Blogger, you will have to wait some more...........................

Monday, December 04, 2006

No surprise here!

D-List Blogger

I guess there is a ranking for bloggers. I'm a D-lister, no big surprise. I'm sure if I were a celebrity I'd be at least a W!

Where do you rank?

Friday, December 01, 2006

loss for words...

I just came across this fun little item. If you are that desperate, not sure this is the answer.

Who would really pay for this?

Sorry if I offended anyone.