Anything Interesting?

This is mostly for my lack of memory. I have a tendency to forget everything.

Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Following in Valarie's Blogsteps...

I googled Jennifer Needs and here are some of the responses

Jennifer needs a smack daddy. Oh hell yes.
Jennifer needs to recognize that both of you do a good job
Jennifer needs Your Help
Jennifer needs a cold shower - What??
Jennifer needs to post -
Jennifer needs to be in a mental health facility right now
Jennifer needs a break
Jennifer needs to make sandwiches that satisfy her and prevent late-night bingeing.

It's funny how all this works - those smart techies. Some of these could really apply to me, latenight bingeing, help, recognizing others helpfulness, posting - okay Kimber ;o).

Kind of fun...

Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Starting Already

We stayed at the pool after swim lessons to play. It was bloomin' hot, so nice to be near water. The kids had fun, except KL - she's not thrilled with the pool.

K is in lust... There was a life guard that she thought was "so cute I couldn't take my eyes off of him", "mom, did you see that life guard with the hat and white sun glasses? I hope he comes out again"

SHE'S ONLY SIX!!!! It was cute to see her at pool break try to sit near his station, but we are in trouble.

Sunday, July 23, 2006

Coming up for air

I am feeling overwhelmed by my cluttered house. About once a month or so, it makes me feel a tad edgy. But on top of this usual feeling We have been out of town 9 days out of the last three weeks. So trying to catch up on all the laundry, and normal household chores has been a losing battle.

ON top of trying to start a business, clearing out my desk and making space for office equipment and another person, AUGH. No wonder I'm a "crabby lady" [as my dear husband called me today - all in fun (I think)] I do think it may be a bit justified.

Kirby also starts her first week of swim lessons, this will not help with getting anything done since some days we will have to stay at the pool and play. Only because it will be darn hot and the kids have been bugging me ALL summer. It should be fun but there is MUCH to do.

So, I am updating my blog after one sister asked if I was going to do it regularly. My intentions are good and am trying. This is nothing exceptional but it's a new entry. I still need to post about our trip to Missouri, just one more thing to do...

Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Vroom, Vroom

We just got back from a quick and last minute trip to Colorado. We left here just in time to miss the 111 degree weather Rapid City had. Lucky for us, the highest high in CO was 103. I guess anything over 90 is miserable for me.

We brought back a motorcycle we purchased from Smokes' dad. I don't even know what it is. They all look the same to me. The kids are excited though. (Smokes too!)

The kids are such good travelers. We took the truck, so they were all crammed in the back and had no movie. I guess the dvd player is not a necessity (duh!) They did just fine without it. As long as K could listen to her "western" music all was well.

We had fun just hanging out. Not going anywhere (other than shopping with Shawnna - Target of course)

Love Everyone

I am nerdier than 4% of all people. Are you nerdier? Click here to find out!

I don't despise them. I am just clueless.

Sunday, July 09, 2006

A story about a frog

My daughter has proclaimed, "I love frogs more than horses!" For many of you that may come as a shock. For others you may know she can be fickle about her favorite stuffed animal (flavor of the week) but does indeed love those horses. In Missouri, she found a teeny frog. (That is her holding "Katey") How she came across it I will never know, it was dusk and they [her first cousins once-removed (I learned how that works last week)] were playing near the trees at Aunt Elaine's. They had a lot of fun speculating about this from and the home it would have in Rapid City. Some really concerned that we were taking it with us. But alas, all this excitement came to a tragic end. K took her new friend out of the container and it fell through the cracks in the deck.

I guess I am not the best mother, I would not go under the deck to retrieve the frog. K was afraid of the spiders so in her distress wanted mommy to do it. I had to let her know I don't touch frog or spiders. ( I feel horrible admitting I wouldn't do this) She was so sad and she has great cousins. Hear is a few pictures of them searching for the frog.

In these pictures (sorry not really any faces) Sarah and Tyler H. and Morgan C. Sarah is in the yellow shirt and pink shorts, Tyler in the orange shirt and Morgan yellow shirt and white shorts. They never found the frog, It may have survived and skedaddled, or maybe so small it fell to its demise. (I'm glad they didn't find that!) It the last picture they claim to be looking at the frogs "tracks". They did have fun together. I will post more about the trip later.

No longer living in a Fishbowl

I know, it has been forever since I said I was going to make them. First, I had to get the fabric - on sale of course! (So... I had to wait for a sale) Then sewing, I am not skilled in this area by any means and this was a bit gutsy for me to try. I had them sewn but could not decide if I should make hem Roman shades or not. In the end I decided to use ties made out of the fabric, but I ran out. So, two curtains were installed and then I went on vacation. Yesterday I bought another yard of fabric - (full price AUGH!) but, I had to finish them, the other two panels were laying over the back of the couch waiting to be installed but needed the tie strap.

Not to be boastful or anything, but I'm pretty pleased with how they turned out. There are a few things that I might have done differently, but they work and look okay.

Next, the kitchen...