Anything Interesting?

This is mostly for my lack of memory. I have a tendency to forget everything.

Sunday, December 09, 2007

Lucky to have survived...the Christmas Partay

Photo #1 - KL's babies out of her bed are not part of the "Christmas Partay" that she and Ty had. You can see the GeoTr*xx set he is getting, it is opened and he hid the little pieces under my bed. You can also see the Hullabal** and Sc*ne-it games, unwrapped and pieces everywhere. The other mess is part of the remote control Je*p packaging. The Je*p wasn't to be his present. Since he broke it pulling it out of the twist-tie packaging, I wrapped it up and he will get it for Christmas.
Photo #2 - The Je*p and its packaging and parts of the Hullabal** game. You can also see a box of things I had already cleaned up. These items were shipped to me mistakenly by Kohl*s, in which I am supposed to be getting an email from UP$ with a new routing label and a time to be picked up.

A little side note to Kohl*s: I cannot guarantee the safe return of these items if you cannot get me the required paperwork in a timely manner. We are at two weeks and working on our third. I also have no real urge to call your customer service again since my last hold time was 30 minutes. My kids (well T really) keep finding this box and I have to keep rescuing the contents. When KL sees the Baby Le*p Fr0g, she SO wants to love on it. I am also afraid the coloring pages will not longer be fresh.

Picture #3 - The sc*ne-it parts, KL's present from Papa and Grandma, Chayse's present. Picture #4 - A closer shot of #3Picture #5 - The KNIFE used to help in the destruction.

I should have gotten a picture of the scissors that I found under our covers when I was vacuuming up all of the Styrofoam beads. I also did not get pictures of the presents opened and shoved under our bed and dresser. I cannot give every-present away. Which included my present from Shawnna (thanks!) that I was being really good about not finding out what were in those T*rget boxes. My son gave me no choice since they were opened and spread about the destruction.

Needless to say I was not happy. He got a little swat and sent to his room. For once, there was no argument from him about that. I still have more to wrap. I tried to just get the bigger things and K's things wrapped. I have threatened him heavily if he even gets close to the presents.

So much for trying my hand being prepared and ahead of the game. His gifts are not going to be a surprise and I may cry again on Christmas. The only surprise now will be the Santa gift.

I don't know how good it did to yell, he took a few already partially opened (by him) presents to his room and hid them in his closet. He also got some scissors and opened up something I was going to return (both the same day of the Partay!!)... He's getting that I guess too!

Friday, December 07, 2007

Pace yourself

I have posted a month's worth (or more) in one afternoon. Relish the picts and such. You never know when you'll see more. Ha!

You know you have a boy when...

ahhhh, dentists...

Fresh from a visit to the dentist. He removed three of K's teeth. The one on the top was loose but just wouldn't budge, and was tightening up again with the new tooth coming down and pushing on it.

He also removed two on the bottom. The permanent tooth has been in for quite awhile and had wedged her baby tooth between the teeth on the sides and it. He yanked that one and the one next to it to allow it room to move into position.

Dr L had me come back into the room to explain what he was going to do and tell me we need to get going on "ortho". This was something I new we would need eventually since she essentially has no spacing for her bigger permanent teeth. We had switched dentists (preferred provider, blah, blah, blah) and he said he would do a full mouth scan when she was older i.e. 8 or 9 to allow her jaw to grow and then move forward with ortho depending on that. Well at 7, her teeth are coming in and have no room to come in properly.

The new dentist does not do sedation/gas so back to old loving dentist. Even at the mention that we were going back there K was more at ease. When we first got to the office, she would barely open her mouth to answer everyone's questions about how she has been, what she's been doing, etc. As they were ready, I scooted/pushed her back to the chair and went back out front to deal with the other crazy two.

K had nitrous and was quite comical. When I went into the room she said "Hi MOM!" rather enthusiastically and then proclaimed "I'm floating!" It was funny to hear.

In January we have consults with two Orthodontists to see which we like and what they're suggesting we do.

p.s. T has five (5!) cavities. I for see it's gonna be an expensive year.

The first "snow"

The first snow didn't amount to much more than this. They did have fun playing and trying to eat it.


a few from KL's Birthday

Plain cakes are always more fun with swirly candles!Front row seats.
What happens when you put a 7 year old in charge of the camera.

Reading the bunny book in the cute kitty/leopard jammies (both from grandma).

KL's first haircut

She was not happy one bit, as can be seen by the pictures. But her bangs were always in her eyes and she would rub them around, it was especially nice when she had food on her hands!
Georgia did a great job. Combed everything forward to make sure however her hair fell, it would not be in her eyes. She trimmed up the back so all the stringies were evened out.
She cheered up as soon as we were done. Not too traumatic afterall!

(A month has transpired since this cut and it's nearing time for another. I suppose we are in trouble, she started crying as we pulled into the parking lot when I went to get mine done.)