Anything Interesting?

This is mostly for my lack of memory. I have a tendency to forget everything.

Friday, March 23, 2007

K is Seven (7)!

"What a loooong strange trip it's been"

Your first day..(borrowing a digital camera)

About 19 months old. (After we went digital)

Being your silly self

The "Rock-Star Beautician"

After you chopped your curls.

Our Oompa-Loompa (Listening to that darn Uncle Tim and the make-up grandma bought for you)

Our country girl

Birthday Eve, just having fun!


Tuesday, March 20, 2007

How would you like me to handle it??

This "Stress Quiz" was on Better Homes and Gardens website - aka

Quiz: Assess Your Stress
By Victoria Mock, R.N.

Question 10 of 12

I rely on stimulants such as excess caffeine, alcohol, and even drugs.

You chose:

The correct answer is:
Almost Always

5 out of 10 Questions Correct

Almost Always??? As you can see I'm not doing very well. Just the occasional daily diet Coke to get me through the afternoon. I guess I need to change my addiction?

I do have to admit their answer selections weren't very good either. Four choices being:
Almost Always


Monday, March 19, 2007


K came home from her long day of school and went straight to the fridge. It was completely understandable since I forgot to pack her snack to eat before spanish.

Holding the fridge door open and turning around to look at me she says,"Mom it smells like farts in here."

hehehe - No really, it was the boiled eggs.


Thursday, March 15, 2007

The Ugly Truth

Me: "I want to take a picture"
Him: "You just want to put it on your blog"
Me: "Yes, but for posterity"

I am a tad upset with blogger... I had this all typed up and hit publish and for some reason it disappeared. Augh! - it will teach me to save as a draft first if anything.

Here are some pictures of a grumpy Smokes. After sitting at the Dermatology office for six (6) hours; being numbed, cut and microscopically checked, re-numbed for more excision and more checking. He got to watch the football channel (too bad the season is over...), had a half-dollar size chunk removed in total and lots of stitches.

He was NOT happy when I picked him up, but I remind him it is better than the alternative.

After 24 hours and in between bandages he let me take a few more pictures.

After two weeks it looks pretty good. He had the stitches removed last Tuesday and the steri-strips are coming off (translation - rubbed off in aggravation). There is still some swelling and discolorations (read - black and blue) around his eye. The "Zorro" scar is a bit rough and will smooth out over time.

ps - He likes to tell people I did it to him

pps - I sure wish I know how to do the strike through on some words so I could use less of these (..)

**updated to fix spelling errors, maybe I should use spell checker...**
