Anything Interesting?

This is mostly for my lack of memory. I have a tendency to forget everything.

Monday, September 25, 2006

An overdue update

We have had kind of a crazy week or so.

KL has had some sort of infection in her throat. Her fever started Saturday night, I was just thinking it was her teeth since the top ones were starting to poke through. But by Tuesday and she was still fevered, not eating and drinking much and soooo snuggly (which I loved), I decided I'd better call the doc. I felt horrible when he looked in her throat and I seen her tonsils, all red, swollen and full of puss pockets. With the other two, they always got fevers when teething and I would rush them into the doc and nothing would be found, this is what I get for just assuming all was ok. She is feeling MUCH better, and acting like herself again. Which has been wonderful considering the sleepless nights and little attitude that seemed to come out from out of the blue.

K has been doing great at school, and we have not had any more melt-downs!! Especially surprising since she started Spanish classes Mon & Thurs after school and the school day is longer. She got to spend the night with grandma, which will hopefully curb the asking for awhile. She got to go to her first Birthday party at McDonald's. She was funny before she left, she seen the McDonald's toy T got in his Happy Meal from lunch and said "No Fair! How come T got McDonald's" I had to remind her that she was on her way out the door to go there. She had a lot of fun, but attitude was awful, is this what the teen years are going to be like?

T is still TOTALLY obsessed with how people go to the bathroom. Every time he stands to pee, he'll come out and show me how he did it. He showed grandma last night how he pees. (She didn't need to have any boys, she's getting her fill with T and W!) He even sits on the floor and tells me "Kimber goes like this" or some other person he's fond of. So hard to keep from laughing. Three is definitely on its way! He has a more determined attitude and will tell me "Don't tell me no" or "Don't say that" I just have to remind him "I did tell you no, now please ..." Yikes.

Business has totally been a roller-coaster. Crazy busy days and some dry as the Sahara days. But I feel really good about what we have accomplished these past few weeks. Hope everyone else feels the same. We got our first checks on Saturday. Not amounting to much considering what invoices we have out there, but it's starting.
My house is messy, but it seems as soon as I clean, it rains, or the "*&$#^@#" bleeping apples that are falling get smushed and tracked all over the house. I have such a love/hate relationship with that tree.

We got the locates for the window-well today, so when we start digging for the egress window, we don't dig up any cables or gas lines. We are going to put K and KL downstairs, hopefully this will give K the alone-time in her room that she requires and alleviate some of the fighting when she needs this time.

Saturday, September 16, 2006

A Cautionary Tale

Oh so bright, oh so insane, where was my brain. I guess I didn't think about how this might feel. Until she really started to yell.

Okay, Last night I had the thought that I should help K's neck and those muscles to loosen up and put a GOOD helping of Ben Gay on her neck and shoulders. (More than I normally would have used, but a bunch came out and I couldn't get it back in the tube.) Who knew that it doesn't feel good when you're six? She started crying, "It burns, owwww, it burns". (Maybe it was because we told her it would feel warm. I really think it was a true reaction though. Pretty hard to fake that.) Lots of tears later, her neck IS feeling better this morning, still pretty stiff, but she has more movement.

So, to all you out there whose kids fall off freezers and hit their heads, don't use Ben Gay - get Sportscreme or something that doesn't burn :o). I would stay away from Icy Hot too, just to be safe.

Thursday, September 14, 2006

A week of Firsts

KL climbed up the stairs. Then made it halfway up before mommy or daddy noticed. We are in trouble now.

K's first "melt down". I'm guessing, tired from this whole school thing.
K's first school lunch, supposed to be mac and cheese and chicken nuggets, turned out to be hamburger, with corn and apple slices. She only ate a few slices of apple because she now refuses to eat corn that is not on the cob and does not like hamburgers. I think this had a very integral role in the melt down.

K's first chiropractic adjustment. She is continuing to have problems from her fall off the freezer. (I can't remember if I've posted this, but she was dancing on the chest freezer in the garage to her favorite song and fell off, hitting her head on the concrete.) Doc Bill said her C1 was definitely out and she needs to come back Monday. I had to literally pick her up and force her to lay on the table, but she was much happier when she got to pick a prize from the "prize room". He also said her lymph nodes were swollen. When I asked if this was a result of the fall, he said she probably had multiple things going on. So does this mean I need to take her to our family doc???

T, T, T what do I say about this escape artist. Going and visiting with the neighbor, going out front and rummaging through Kimber's car for gum. Trying to pee standing up - mostly outside. And telling me "I do'd this and peed all over."

Monday, September 11, 2006

Taking an idea from Val

Did I tell you that...

KL has started saying Uh-Oh and loves to look at herself. To the point of getting upset if you don't show her the picture you took of her. Think I'll have problems with her and vanity later??

K enjoyed her first day of school, other than "the teacher got her in trouble". She has completely shocked me with her school lunch. I packed her a sandwich, strawberries, gogurt, juice box, cheetos, and cookies, she ate all but the cheetos and cookies. Shocking to say the least.

T has started peeing outside. Even funnier - K came in the house telling me that T said he peed outside "I got down and smelled it, it smelled like pee" proclaimed K.

He is also obsessed with how people pee. "Daddy do's this, grandpa do's this, but I do this" Picture a little boy standing and moving his hips forward for the "stance" and then squatting for how he do's it. (No my grammar isn't this bad, I'm trying to do it like T says it) It's hilarious, and hard not to laugh.

He also mooned grandma the other day. We were trying on new pants and adjusting the waist band and while pulling them off, his unders would slide a bit. So I asked him if he was showing grandma his bum again and he pulled them all the way down and stuck his butt out at her. I couldn't help but laugh. No controlling it then.

I just remembered that I forgot to call Valarie back yesterday. - Sorry Val

I am LOVING having use of Dad's laptop.

This is my 50th blog - not very regular but here you go.

There were so many other things, but you know how my brain works...
I will add things later as memory permits.

Monday, September 04, 2006

New Beginnings

In the morning, K starts First Grade... DH asked if I was excited and if I was ready for her to be gone all day. Me, NO. I worry about how she will do, will she eat enough at lunch, will she go pee when she needs to, will she sit still and pay attention, will she like her teacher????? So many unknowns, and I don't know what to do. I know she is getting older, every time I look at her I see how grown up she is getting.

Her clothes are sitting on the couch, she will shower in the morning, and I have made her sandwich, cut her strawberries, put her cheetos and a napkin in her Hello Kitty lunch box, and her backpack is filled with her supplies. Getting up early and we'll see how it goes.

She waffles back and forth from hating school to liking it. Tonight I talked to her about how learning makes you smarter and about all the things she will learn. This seemed to help some of the anxiety, I hope it will get her through tommorow. I also talked to her about praying to Heavenly Father and he will help her with anything she needs to get through her day.

Mother of the Year?

Saturday, KL was crawling around and was getting pretty close to the stairs. I was in the kitchen talking to her. Then she turned and practically dived. To my horror, I watched her flip down the stairs. Screaming and running over to her, watching her fall - so close to the edge of the long staircase. Thankfully she only fell the three stairs and stopped at the landing. She cried for so long, I felt horrible.

Sunday, September 03, 2006

T is closing in on Three

Sitting in Sacrament today T wanted to color. Not a problem, with all the extra things that come along in my church bag, I can find colors lickety-split. Or so I thought. No crayons came out with each desperate grasp, trying not to make any extra noise. (We had already been laughing with K - she got her first Wet Willy today). K got a vet kit and decided to bring everything to church, i.e. syringe, stethoscope, water dish, etc. in her church bag, and it rattled too loudly so I put them in my bag. Every colored pencil tip was broken, or in desperate need of sharpening. Alas, a washable marker...But he was so carefree and flailing the marker about the pew I got nervous and took the marker away. Trying to make a crying two year old comprehend why he can't color with the marker is near impossible. I asked him to hush, with no effort. "Do you want to go to the van" was next, no better. So I picked him up to take him out to the hall. He is still crying and yells out "I don't want to go to the van".

After Sacrament Meeting I got a few comments. One friend, "you made a great exit", 2nd counselor in bishopric, "I heard your son on your way out", and another recapped a story tol by some apostle that when he was taking out his son, the son turned and yelled for the bishop to help him. They were all in fun, and we had a great laugh. Kimber even admitted she was laughing. Her day is coming!!! As many times as she has laughed at what my children do...

Friday, September 01, 2006

Hang on to your boot straps, its gonna be a rough ride...

Thursday we went to Meet the Teacher/PTA Pizza party. Had a good time inspite of T wanting to run crazy all over the place. We sat with a few families from church and visited while we ate. I sarcastically said, so Parker is starting kindergarten huh? And was shocked that their son truly was, I said to them "but he was just born". In my mind, no one grows up and when I find out their age it blows me away.

We then started discussing how old are subsequent children were and how T is finally liking nursery. Well, by liking, I mean not screaming and crying the whole time and I can go to class. And by no surprise they released the Nursery Leader, with only a few months left until another adjustment to Sunbeams.

K then pipes in how she "hates church". I said to her, "no you don't, you always have fun with your teacher and you love to sing." K then says "not their songs". So I told Tealen, have Wendy put a country twang on the primary songs and she'll love it. My friends husband then started to sing an awful country rendition of I Love to See the Temple. He was then asked to never do that again. :o) And I was told that I was in TROUBLE. (Her favorite song is Going through Hell by Rodney Atkins. though she does sing heck.)

I really think she just dislikes the idea of church. She is always saying it was fun when I get her from primary. She is definately strong willed and has her own ideas of how things should be.

Tuesday is the first day of 1st Grade. Her teacher is brand new to this school, but has been teaching for 17 years or so. She is coming from General Beadle (a school across town). Hope K likes her, she is very different from K's kindergarten teacher. I'm sure she's great.

We'll see how this all-day thing goes. I'm a bit worried about the tiredness and whininess that may come from this. That seems to be the hardest thing for me to deal with. Because when she's over-tired or hungry, she has a really hard time coping with things. The only fix is sleep or eating, and I can't make her do anything. We may have compounded this by enrolling her in an afterschool Spanish class two days a week. She is excited about that though.

We gave Aggie to Stephanie and Devin. K has mixed emotions, sad that she won't get to see Aggie every day, but glad that she can play outside without the dog trying to bite her. I'll be very glad to not her her screaming AAAAGGGGIIIIIEEEE, in that whiny, shrill yell that she has.