Anything Interesting?
This is mostly for my lack of memory. I have a tendency to forget everything.
Wednesday, May 31, 2006
Look at that Lady!!!
K noticed a lady up at Estes Park this last, fast weekend. She was in fact quite large and must have had that elephantitus or whatever that is called when your largeness hangs over you ankles and such (what is the politically correct way to say that?) After a gentle reminder from cousin Shawnna that she shouldn't say things like that, witty and quick on her feet, K said, "She's cute! What? she's cute!" Then Shawnna had to gently remind E. Kids say the darndest things.
Tuesday, May 23, 2006
Counting my blessings
After talking with a good friend about her troubles with her husband and then witnessing another friends husband push her down in the park yesterday, I am not having the best faith in men. I am not sure what to do or how and if I can help in either situation.
I just happened to be waiting for play dates at the same park where I saw my friend having a picnic with her estranged (separated) husband and four of their five kids. I seen him push her then walk to his car and throw things at her and leave. I wasn't sure what to do, so I did nothing (I hate that about me). I did call her later to see how she was doing. She came over to visit and then I watched a few of her kids today while she went to visit with the local womens shelter about what to do. I feel worried for her and her girls.
It makes me so happy for my life. Even with kids who stress me out at times and a messy cluttered house. It's all good. I am so thankful for my husband. He is such a wonderful man, great provider, terrific father, so patient and fun. He puts up with me and my quirks (laundry and all)! He makes me laugh, doesn't make me fall bad about myself, or threaten my physical being. I hope he knows that when I tell him this, he understands how true it really is.
Sunday, May 21, 2006
Not the garbage!
While shopping yesterday, we gave the children a piece of gum, (addicts thanks to Aunt Kimber!) and then spot something white in KL's mouth. T put his wrapper in there! I told him again (after a jelly bean and marble) that we don't put things in her mouth. But he said "It was garbage". Not sure what he thinks she looks like, but must have wanted to share somehow.
Friday, May 19, 2006
The envy of the neighborhood
I am guessing the noises heard coming from our open windows this lovely day in May is making all the neighbors yearn for days gone by. When their kids were young. note: we are the only family on the block with young kids.
Most likely, they are laughing at us being grateful they are beyond this stage.
Wednesday, May 17, 2006
Peeky, Peeky, Peeky
Saturday at the recital I took him to the bathroom, and he kept asking who the other little girl was. I did not know who she was, so he kept asking and trying to look at her. Then as I was drying my hands he came over whimpering and saying, "she hit me". Well, she was locked in her stall and he was peeking under the side. All I could say was, "Well stop peeking under the wall."
Evidently, being hit did not teach him a lesson. I was reminded of Saturday as T opened the curtain on an elderly lady in a local restroom today. He flipped open the curtain and asked "who's that", she responded, "It's a grandma in here"! I'm happy it was a "who" not a "what" type of question.
I really need to work on his curiosity.
Tuesday, May 16, 2006
Love the new windows, but...
I have to clean them. The others were so dirty between the panes that you couldn't see any smudges. Oy vey, you can't have it all. I guess I would rather see out the clean glass.
Monday, May 15, 2006
The Insignificance Of Us All
I have recently come to realize that the things we think should be most important to us aren't. Or they aren't given the attention or care that they deserve.
Friday, May 12, 2006
I'm just going to sit here and cry...
Is what I said when I called my husband to confess that I had just backed into the cement cone at Target. Why is it that I am acquiring the "talents" of my mother? She is the queen of backing into things. I do believe both of her current vehicles have dents in the bumper.
I did have a near miss about a month ago, about 1 to 1 1/2 inches, how I missed that billboard post???
I guess the lesson here is to pay more attention? Not sure.
Another lesson, beware of what comes out of your mouth when it happens. Luckily Ty's new favorite saying (all afternoon now) is "I'm just going to sit here and cry." Not the repeated, "shit, shit, shit" that I said first. It's pretty cute how he says it, he puts his hands on his face and pouts.
Thursday, May 11, 2006
Confessions of a Homemaker
I must admit I did not put the towels away, Smokes did( I love him!). I olny re-folded a few things, they were originally folded inside-out. Pretty good for me. I've been known to grab a towel he just folded to re-fold it my way, or grab all the towels and pull them closer to me so I can fold them first.
I too am known to reload the dishwasher.
The first step to recovery is admitting you have a problem, right?
Wednesday, May 10, 2006
Potty training my Boy
He is doing great, we haven't had any type of daytime accident in weeks, #1 or #2. Things sure have been different with him! The grossly funny thing is he always wants me to come see. "Mommy, come see, Ty did a big one" Yea! Wonderful! At least then I can dump it. It is really scary when he does it, so carefree and quick. GERMS, Augh, yes I am closely related to Val - just not as strong a germaphobe.
What a life! This is what I wanted to do from a very young age. I was so naive, or maybe mom made it seem better. I really do enjoy. They make me laugh, unless they are painting the dog or patio, just a few more wonderful additions to our Sunday.
Obsessive Compulsive or just a smidge anal?
To start, I am ALWAYS drowning in laundry. Every time I think I've got it under control it seems to explode again. All I seem to do is laundry. Smokes will ask "So, what did you do today?", well other than feeding and playing with the kids the other answer is laundry. The question I have is, "Can't you tell I've done anything?" I seem to be going all the time, but nothing gets accomplished.
We are trying to get the house put back together after the windows, and for his parents to come this weekend. So my wonderful husband helped me last night by folding the laundry. I am going to put it away and NOT re-fold anything! This is my goal for today. I'm not sure what it is but I always seem to refold everything to how I would do it. The towels don't need to be perfect, we go through them so fast they don't sit on the shelf very long. Plus it defeats his purpose by helping me. Maybe it's a control issue?
Sunday, May 07, 2006
Glad I went to church?
All morning I tried to talk myself into staying home. But thought I really needed to go and take the kids. Ty really needs to get used to class. We went, a few minutes late but thankfully made it in time for the Sacrament (only because there was a baby blessing). We are now home (leaving before closing prayer) because Ty kept gagging himself, eventually throwing up! AUGH! What am I to do. I kept taking his hands out of his mouth, but then he just kept "playing". I let it go thinking the old adage, if you ignore they will stop...Then I looked down at him lying on the floor throwing up his nutritional breakfast of chocolate chip cookies. He sure knows how to get out of going to class!
Glad we came home?
Now at home we are having fits because some 6 year old wants to wear a summer shirt and shorts and it's only 65 degrees. So I told her to compromise either a jacket or pants, depending on what she wants more, summer shirt or shorts. And they are fighting, Kirby now has a raspberry on her chest from where Ty bit her while fighting over a chair. Isn't my life grand?
On the flip side, the kitchen windows are getting trimmed because I have such a great and hard working husband! Only 6 windows left.
Saturday, May 06, 2006

Some recent pictures of my kiddos.
Kaylee just turned 6 months, and is 19lbs 8 oz (over 90th percentile) and 24 1/2" long (only 25th percentile - what a chunk!) She loves to squeal, aunt Tonsie calls her appropriately enough - Squealie.
Ty is 2 1/2 and keeping me on my toes -constantly. He definitely likes to do everything himself and thinks he's six too. He counted to ten today all the way through. He has liked 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 lately, but started at one today!
Kirby just turned six and is smart as a whip, not sure if I'm smart or quick enough to raise her!!! She is still in love with horses, and now Dillan Reed in her kindergarten class. Oh NO! not already. We went for a walk today and she found a "wishing dandelion" so she "I wish, I wish, I wish we lived in Texas so I could have a horse". Evidently you have to live in Texas to own horses! I told her I loved her and she told me "I know, I've heard that a million times!" Well at least she knows I do.

Our new windows were installed last week!!! To finish the living room we painted yesterday and stained and installed the trim today. I am so excited to finish the rest.
I will try to make some roman shades out of fabric I found at Hancock's.
I will be most excited to have the living room put back in order. The kids are staying out of the window pretty well, now. Kimber drove by the first morning to see how it looked and seen Kirby standing in it... Those darn kids.
Nothing but pure excitement here, Ha. I am not poetic or great at verbalizing what I want to say, but I hope to use this blog as a way to remember things, and maybe let anyone who might be interested in our life know what's happening.